You have interests and gifts that you can share with your neighbors… And growing in community during the summer months is often more organic and less formal, so let’s see what “Summer with Kairos” looks like! The goal is to have 12 to 14 events so that people can attend at least one.


By filling out this form, you’re sharing the activity/event you’d like to lead and at least one date in July, August or early September that you’re willing to lead it. You can have up to 3 meetings of your particular activity. The ideas are endless if you think of activities you normally engage in during the summer. Think golf, barbecue, picnic in the park, exercise, playdates at the pool, and so much more! Pick something you enjoy and lead!


Please share as much information as is needed for people to understand your activity. For example:


In the past, Lisa has enjoyed creative time at Board & Brush in South Brunswick. She’s thinking about signing up for a workshop on Friday, August 12 and wants to invite others to join her as a “Summer with Kairos” activity. It will cost $25-$60 for each person depending on the project chosen and will take place from 7–9 pm.


All of this information is essential to know in order to sign up. Please describe your event as thoroughly as you can in this form. If there’s a limited number of spaces, share that information as well. Submit this form before May 31.


Once your form is submitted, Pastor Lisa will contact you with any further questions and create the master schedule for “Summer with Kairos”.


Thank you for leading an opportunity to invite people into community this summer!


Click here to Lead a “Summer with Kairos” Activity